*** GGUM2004 Version 1.1 *** is NOW AVAILABLE
- Download your FREE copy using the link on this page!
GGUM2004 Version 1.1 Information
GGUM2004 is a Windows-based program that estimates parameters in the generalized graded unfolding model (GGUM; Roberts, Donoghue, & Laughlin, 2000). It expands the capabilities of its predecessor, GGUM2000, in the following ways:GGUM2004 provides a user-friendly Windows interface that enables the user to prepare command files, run the core estimation program, and display results.
GGUM2004 allows different questionnaire items to have varying numbers of response categories. This is especially useful when sparse responses make recoding into a fewer number of response categories necessary.
GGUM2004 allows for item responses that are missing at random.
GGUM2004 incorporates new item fit statistics with desriable statistical qualities.
GGUM2004 provides a series of diagnostic graphics that enable to user to deduce how well the model is performing.
GGUM2004 enables users to perform DIF analysis using unfolding IRT models.
GGUM2004 is available free of charge and can be downloaded using the link below. Users are encouraged to join the GGUM2004 Message Group to obtain the latest information about the program.

Click to join the GGUM2004 Message Group
Before you download the GGUM2004 software, you should read the associated installation instructions. You can view the installation instructions in PDF format by clicking here
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0133019. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
GGUMLINK Version 1.0 Information
GGUMLINK is a Windows-based FORTRAN program that equates parameter estimates from the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model using a variety of methods (Roberts, AERA 2001 Conference Paper ). The program is suitable for equating parameter estimates derived from separate calibrations in which common (anchor) items are included in each calibration.The program and associated documentation are stored in a self-extracting zip file named GGLINKV1.EXE. This version of the GGUMLINK program was last updated on July 5, 2002. It is a production version designed to work with any unfolding model in the GGUM family (Models 1 through 8 in the GGUM2000 software package). It replaces the EQGGUM program.Download GGLINKV1.EXE
It is recommended that you download the GGLINKV1.EXE file to the root directory of your C: drive and extract it at a DOS Prompt by entering the command “GGLINKV1 -D” (without the quotes). This will maintain the intended directory structure. Three new subdirectories will be created (C:\GGUMLINK, C:\GGUMLINK\EXAMPLES, and C:\GGUMLINK\EXAMPLES\FILEOUT). A detailed user’s guide is stored in a PDF document named C:\GGUMLINK\UMANUAL.PDF.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0133019 and 0536728. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
GGUM2000 Information
GGUM2000 is a DOS-based system of FORTRAN programs that estimates parameters in the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model (Roberts, Donoghue & Laughlin, Applied Psychological Measurement, 2000).The programs and associated documentation are stored in a self-extracting zip file named GUMIT2.EXE. (This version of the GGUM2000 program was last updated on April 16, 2000.)Download GUMIT2.EXE
It is recommended that you download the GUMIT2.EXE file to the root directory of your C: drive and extract it at a DOS Prompt by entering the command “GUMIT2 -D” (without the quotes). This will maintain the intended directory structure. Three new subdirectories will automatically be created (C:\GGUM2000, C:\GGUM2000\EXAMPLES, and C:\GGUM2000\TEMPFILE). A User’s Guide is stored in a WordPerfect Windows 6.10 document named C:\GGUM2000\GGUMDOC.WPD.
GUMJML Information
GUMJML is a DOS-based system of FORTRAN programs that estimates parameters in the Graded Unfolding Model (Roberts & Laughlin, Applied Psychological Measurement, 1996).The programs and associated documentation are stored in a self-extracting zip file named GUMIT.EXE.Download GUMIT.EXE
It is recommended that you download the GUMIT.EXE file to the root directory of your C: drive and extract it at a DOS Prompt by entering the command “GUMIT -D” (without the quotes). This will maintain the intended directory structure. Two new subdirectories will automatically be created (C:\GUMJML and C:\GUMJML\TEMPFILE). A User’s Guide is stored in a WordPerfect Windows 6.10 document named C:\GUMJML\GUMDOC.WPD.
CATJUG Information
A SAS macro program that can be used to scale attitude statements using Thurstone’s successive intervals procedure. Download CATJUG
If you have any questions about these programs, please email Dr. James S. Roberts. |